Get Well Plants

Give Plants: Posted on 22-July-2015.

Have you ever been to visit a loved one in hospital and may have sometimes mistaken it for a florist shop as you are engulfed by bouquets of flowers? As beautiful as they are, reality is they don’t last very long at all and depending on how long your loved one is in hospital for it could turn what was once a bright cheerful room with living flowers into a dull room when the bouquet eventually perishes.

A beautiful get well plant on the other hand not only makes the room more cheerful, is longer lasting, but can also be taken home after and kept as a reminder of the person who bought it. It will continue to help with the healing process at home as they are aesthetically-pleasing and can alleviate some stress that sometimes slows the healing process.

For instance a Peace Lily is the perfect plant to give someone as a get well gift, not only stunning but is also known to filter harmful chemicals for cleaner air which may aid in helping to get better. A beautiful Red Anthurium in a stunning red or white ELHO pot is also very popular and aesthetically pleasing on the eye. 

Receiving a plant as a get well gift lasts a lot longer than the illness does, I hope!  Also, it can be kept as a reminder of the person who was wishing you well when you weren’t so well yourself.