GIFT MILEAGE lasting gifts

Give Plants: Posted on 25-November-2014.

Have you ever thought about that ‘well thought out’ gift you last gave to someone and whether they just ‘binned’ it, hid it, or ‘god forgive us’ re-gifted it? (Yes, there are people out there, people, who actually do ‘re gift’ gifts.) Enough already.

Now; how to get real mileage out of your ‘well thought out’, relatively expensive gifts. At Give Plants we believe we have the answer. Let’s start with flowers. Flowers are universally seen as the ideal gift – no umbrage can be taken – no one can be affronted by flowers – no feelings can be hurt by flowers. However, think on. Flowers WILL LAST, ON THE AVERAGE, ONLY 7-10 DAYS! Mileage, mileage – how about a nice gift basket (please excuse that dull word ‘nice’ but that is exactly what a gift basket is – nice) Some packets of expensive biscuits, jars of chutneys and jams that lie in the back of the pantry for months until you throw them out, a bar of expensive chocolate that you scoff (and then wish you hadn’t), and, and, and? Okay, no mileage in gift baskets then.

How about a bottle of wine? Perfect! Maybe. A bottle of wine is good for up to two years, “(if you are good and the wine is better).” Most of us are NOT GOOD and that bottle will go on the first Friday night after it has been received. ”Hey, thanks, mate, I think I remember it was a great drop”.

A living gift from Give Plants can last a lifetime and, pardon the clichéd reminder, but it really is the ‘gift that keeps on giving’. Imagine receiving a Red Baby! This stunning plant gift is a relative of the New Zealand Christmas tree, the Pohutukawa, with beautiful vibrant red flowers and shiny green leaves – a constant reminder of good times and good friends. Only Give Plants can tick every box.